About us

Welcome to Curiosity Didn't Kill! I'm Ash, Owner & Founder. I whole heartedly believe in FLAUNTING YOUR WEIRD! I've learned that 3 things are certain in this life - 1) death 2) taxes 3) we're all weird.


I'm no stranger to feeling like "the odd one" ... "the outcast". I was a really quiet kid growing up. I had a rough childhood. I wasn't quiet because I was shy. I was quiet because it didn't feel safe to speak out. IYKYK. This lead to very awkward social development. I felt like I didn't know "how to people". 


But once I started to embrace me, accept me... I started to love who I saw in the mirror. That kind of confidence is PRICELESS! If there is one piece of advice I could give to anyone who feels like "a weirdo", it's this:


Everything is relative. Every single individual on this planet sees the world differently. But the way YOU see it & see YOURSELF is the only thing that matters. 


I'm here to help you FALUNT YOUR WEIRD, flaunt your style & embrace what makes you uniquely you! Whether you're buying my stickers & apparel, or my graphic artist services! 


Mucho love!

- Ash

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